Our story
Join the slow beer movement. Drink organic for a sustainable future.
how it started
After a trip to Scotland, Patrick de Goede decides to turn his passion for beer into a business and launches True Brew Trade in 2014. In 2016 TBT got its certified organic label.
what drives us
We aim to provide our customers with premium and organic craft beers that are tasty, healthy and eco-friendly.
what lies ahead
We continuously expand and diversify our range and offer our customers healthier and more sustainable beer options.
what others say about us
- Klasse statt Masse, revue
- Scottish organic craft beer hops into Luxembourg, Luxemburger Wort
- Mehr als nur Bio, Lëtzebuerger Journal
- Zum Dreijährigen, Lëtzebuerger Journal
A quick overview of some the breweries we work with
Black Isle Brewing Co Ltd
Organic brewery in the heart of the Scottish highlands
Black Isle brewery is based close to Inverness on a traditional organic farm where barley is grown. The brew-water comes from an on-site source 100 meters beneath the brewery. Their slogan: "SAVE THE PLANET DRINK ORANIC"
Brauerei Gusswerk GmbH
Organic brewery in Hof bei Salzburg, Austria
Brauerei Gusswerk brews organic beer based on Austrian ingredients, without the use of any artificial additives and based on a traditional method which reveals the taste of a unique and true beer.
Riedenburger Brauhaus Michael Krieger GmbH & Co. KG
Organic brewery in Bavaria, Germany
The owner couple Martha and Michael Krieger are engaged since the 80s in environmental protection. The ecological brewage philosophy is aimed at manufacturing pure, healthy and delicious beers as a resource of joy.
You ask, we'll answer.
Where is your factory?
All the beers we sell are crafted with love and passion at the different breweries.
What is your most popular craft beer style?
India Pale Ale aka IPA, the original version was a British export beer for India. The revived, updated IPA is the ultimate showcase for the delights of hops. IPAs come with extraordinary tastes and flavors, you won't find in standard beers.Why organic?
There's little argument that the long-term value of organic agriculture is its huge environmental benefit. Simply by using no pesticides, organic farms cause far less polution to rivers, lakes and ground water, enhance soil quality and are safer for farm workers as well as wild animals and plants.
How do you work with clients?
We favour the immediacy of social contact and deal with customers promptly.
Our main trade is with business customers.
For large orders, we also deliver to private customers, eg weddings, house parties, club and other events.
Make an order
Test new brands or replenish your stock.
It's been 3 years this July, since True Brew Trade Sàrl opened its doors. To mark the occasion, TBT launched its special jubilee beer, CRIMSON GLORY.
Simon Martin from Real Ale Craft Beer has reviewed CRIMSON GLORY, to find out his rating, just click the link: Crimson Glory Jubilee Beer by Brauhaus Gusswerk
CRIMSON GLORY is a red ale, unfiltered and unpasteurised, made with top fermenting yeast and five different types of malt. It's brewed in proper Gusswerk tradition in Austria. The small batch red ale of 4,7% ABV is a temporary offer.
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Contact Us
Patrick de Goede
+352 621 344 851
info (at) tbt (dot) lu
True Brew Trade © 2017